Guiding the customer along the entire product creation process.
We do not only bring together all important puzzle pieces, but we also know how to connect them.
We start with early phase activities like Prototyping and Concept Validation, are experts in Products and Test solutions, and support you with our Testing Services. All of these are connected by our world-class System Engineering to accelerate your innovations.

Our Solutions
Our fields of engineering services
System Engineering

We are the pioneers of Ethernet, but we keep an open mind for technologies and protocols.

Building the most secure networks and architectures, while advancing the state-of-the-art.

With Technica Engineering, you do not have to start from scratch.
Let our experience be your head start.
Testing Services

Our dependable infrastructure for testing allows us to cover innovative technology early on.

Creating our racks and setups allows us to excel at testing.
An advantage nobody should miss.
Concept Validation

We create the prototypes that prove and optimize your concept. Seeing is believing!

With the newest semiconductors already supported, our hardware platforms can help you today!

Do not let the nomination process slow you down. We create and produce up to B0 sample ECUs.

We lay the technology foundation. Standardized, interoperable, efficient and effective.